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Who We Are (VE) is a stock valuation and forecasting service founded by Ivy League finance academics. VE utilizes the most advanced quantitative techniques and analysis available. Our research team continues to develop, test, and improve the VE Stock Valuation Models and econometric models for forecasting stock price movement. In recent years, VE has expanded its research program to include portfolio construction and tracking products. Our primary services are the website with basic memberships for individual investors and professional memberships for financial advisors, high net worth individuals, and other professionals. Custom daily data feeds of the ValuEngine model outputs are available for fund managers and institutions.

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Until now the ValuEngine stock valuation, risk management and forecasting technology has been available only to financial professionals in the United States and Asia. Now you, as an individual investor planning your own financial future and managing your own portfolio, can have access to the same research reports available to equity fund and portfolio managers as they deal with billions of dollars in assets every business day.

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Stay updated with ValuEngine’s latest 2024 blog posts for insights into stock valuation and forecasting. 

Summaries of past popular blog postings. 

A November to Remember While Recession Warnings Persist

Despite all the negative-to-flat market expectations from Wall Street specialists and other pundits that frequent CNBC for 2023, the recession they feared did not manifest itself, soft landing or otherwise. The economy continued to be strong enough to avoid negative GDP growth. S&P 500 Index ETFs, including SPLG, continue to outperform other broad-based benchmark ETFs […]


How Smart Has “Smart Beta” Been Lately?

Let’s start this topic with describing what Smart Beta is.  I’ll be using the definition from Investopedia.  “Smart beta investing combines some of the efficiencies and cost savings characteristic of passive investing while mimicking active investing strategies that have the potential to produce excess risk-adjusted returns, also called ‘alpha.’”   All 5,000 stocks, 16 sector groups, […]