Research provided by ValuEngine. Strategy development and automated trading provided by ValuEngine Capital Management, LLC

ValuEngine View
The ValuEngine View Strategy is an aggressive/assertive strategy based upon ValuEngine’s award winning research. ValuEngine strong buy stocks, along with liquidity and some sector diversification requirements for final stock selection.
20 stocks, adjusted monthly.
Traded for investors through ValuEngine Capital Management LLC

ValuEngine Diversified
The ValuEngine Diversified strategy is varied and broad. ValuEngine stock and ETF ratings are used to find investments, but portfolio managers make final selections based on the compiled data. The focus is on a diverse selection of holdings with an average amount of risk.
The number of stocks and ETFs can vary between 10 and 40. The portfolio is adjusted as needed.
Traded for investors through ValuEngine Capital Management, LLC

Valuengine Aggressive
The ValuEngine Aggressive Strategy invests in a variety of asset classes to provide investors with a higher return. The main focus is on Stocks as well as ETFs focused on commodities, stock indices, REITS, bonds, emerging markets, and other suitable products. While ValuEngine research models are utilized extensively to find potential investments, this portfolio is under the direct management of ValuEngine Capital Financial Advisors.
Each position is vetted individually and so unlike the other ValuEngine Capital portfolios, this strategy is not strictly quantitative. This Strategy is designed for investors seeking higher returns and have a higher tolerance for risk.
Traded for investors through ValuEngine Capital Management, LLC

Valuengine Conservative
The ValuEngine (VE) Conservative Strategy invests in a variety of asset classes in order to provide investors with a more stable, less risky return. The strategy can contain stocks, ETF’s, mutual funds, bonds, treasuries, and other investments when appropriate. While VE research is utilized extensively to find potential investments and indicate when to utilize this more conservative strategy over other more aggressive strategies, this portfolio is under the direct management of ValuEngine Capital Financial Advisors. Each position is vetted individually and so unlike the other ValuEngine Capital portfolios, this strategy is not strictly quantitative. This strategy is designed for investors seeking lower risk in exchange for lower returns. However, it is also used for more aggressive investors to place funds when markets are over bought to reduce drawdowns.
Traded for investors through ValuEngine Capital Management LLC

Valuengine REIT
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a great way for investors to get exposure to real estate without holding and managing actual properties. REITs trade like stocks and pay dividends in addition to the potential returns from trading price increases. There are several types of REITs that investors can purchase. The VE REIT portfolio selects stocks from the three equity trust industries (Retail, Residence and Other) based on the forecasted returns.
Stocks are chosen using ValuEngine one month forecast returns. The portfolio is adjusted monthly and contains 15 positions. An equal amount of capital is allocated to each stock.
Traded for investors through ValuEngine Capital Management LLC

Valuengine Dividend
ValuEngine Capital’s newest strategy contains only stocks that pay a dividend. These stocks typically are a bit more stable and less volatile than non dividend paying stocks over time. Dividends can also produce income for the investor, or be re-invested. Dividend paying stocks are chosen according to ValuEngine quantitative research, specifically the one year forecasted target price. Turnover is lower than the more aggressive strategies.
Traded for investors through ValuEngine Capital Management LLC