Research Library

PAPERS: The ValuEngine Stock Valuation Model

The recent work of several Ivy League scholars provide the intellectual theory behind VE’s Stock Valuation Model.
Leveling the Playing Field For Active ETF Managers, Blank, 2021.
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Stock Valuation in Dynamic Economies Bakshi, Chen, 2001.
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A Generalized Earnings-Based Stock Valuation Model Dong, Hirshleifer, 2004.
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Stock Valuation and Investment Strategies Chen, Dong, 2001.
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Investing With a Stock Valuation Model Chang, Chen and Dong, 1999.
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BOOKS - click or move mouse over images to order books from

Build Consistent Low-Risk Profits by Creating Your Own Hedged Portfolio
Security Analysis: The Classic 1940 Edition
Equity Management: Quantitative Analysis for Stock Selection
The Intelligent Investor: The Classic Text on Value Investing


Market Neutral Approach for the Average Investor, Author and Portfolio Manager Eric Stokes on CNBC